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Our Student Committees

We want our students to develop outstanding habits both in terms of their behaviour and their learning, in their desire to become involved in the community, to practice, to study, to be kind to others and to have the confidence to become involved in whatever they wish to and to have the confidence to try and to succeed.

In addition to year group committees, committees have been set up that concentrate on different aspects of school life which are important to our pupils across all campuses.

Ystalyfera Bro Dur 3-18

Y Dreigiau:

The Dreigiau are a committee of Year 7 and 8 pupils who are working together to promote the Welsh language and culture across the school. They contribute excellent ideas to different activities and represent all of the pupils at Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera. One important role they have is promoting and celebrating important dates in the Welsh calendar, including Dydd Miwsig Cymru and St. David’s Day. The Dreigiau are proud of their Welsh identity – this is obvious through their work.


Curruculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee aims to collect pupil opinions about the subjects they are studying, so that year 7 and 8 pupils can share experiences, discuss what they enjoy and don’t enjoy learning and to generate ideas on which themes and activities they would like to see in future. They meet once a fortnight and each meeting will focus on a different Area of Learning and Experience. Their voice will be wholly important as the school continues to reform and adapt to a curriculum guided by the principles of the Curriculum for Wales.


Eco Committee

The Eco Committee have a great interest in improving the school environment and ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly future for all. The committee is currently working on a sustainability audit of the school. They will then recognise areas that need improving and will act on these by raising awareness and by sharing their ideas with the headteacher.

The Eco Committee is full of members with creative ideas, including creating poppies from red plastic bottle tops and running a campaign to collect old clothes through the ‘Rags to Riches’ scheme, reducing the amount of clothing sent to landfill. They have also collected rubbish on the Primary site to ensure the site is kept clean and tidy and that rubbish is recycled.



LGBTQ+ Committee

The school LGBTQ+ Committee is very active and ensures that every pupil feels included, appreciated and visible. The committee’s mission is to celebrate diversity, promote exclusivity and equality for every young person in the school.

The committee gives opportunities for students to show support for each other and to raise awareness. It’s a safe space for all and every pupil will be welcomed by the group.


Sports Leaders

The pupils' lead their peers in a variety of activities which include games and fitness sessions which promote the enjoyment of working with each other in fun ways through the medium of Welsh. All of our sports leaders' have received specific training in order to lead these sessions and sessions are held on a regular basis. It's wonderful to see pupils' leading with such enthusiasm.

Address Cyfeiriad

Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera
Heol Ynysydarren
Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Phone Ffôn

(01639) 842129

Email Ebost

Address Cyfeiriad

Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera
Heol Ynysydarren
Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Phone Ffôn

(01639) 846900

Email Ebost

Address Cyfeiriad

Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur
Seaway Parade
Port Talbot
Neath Port Talbot
SA12 7EQ

Phone Ffôn

(01639) 502895

Email Ebost