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Our Vision

Aims of the School

Our school motto Dysgu Gorau Dysgu Byw (Best Learning Learn to Live) represents our core philosophy which shapes each pupil's individual experience at Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera Bro Dur.

Picture of pupils in a science lab

We believe that broadening horizons is key to encouraging success in our pupils, ensuring that there are no barriers to their progress. Our mission is to produce well-rounded pupils who are able to go on to be successful individuals in society throughout their lives. We believe this is achieved by providing an accepting community, a wide range of opportunities, and the flexibility to adapt to each individual’s needs.

We aim to:

  • ensure the best opportunity for all pupils in the school to reach their potential, so that they can live fulfilled and effective lives as valued citizens of Wales;
  • ensure the confidence and bilingual fluency of our children, giving them two valuable and necessary languages;
  • develop healthy individuals who are armed with an assured self-belief;
  • foster in our children a sense of passion and pride in our history and culture;
  • ensure that they have sound values based on fairness and justice.

We believe that this will be achieved through:

  • A broad and challenging curriculum
  • A rich programme of extra-curricular experiences
  • An exciting learning environment
  • Inspirational teaching
  • Thought provoking learning materials
  • An investigative approach to teaching and learning
  • A supportive ethos which challenges achievement and provides encouragement.
  • A healthy partnership between the school, the home and the community.

As a learning community we will:

  • Develop a shared vision centred on the learning of all students
  • Strive for continuous improvement in everything that we do
  • Create and support continuous learning opportunities for all
  • Establish a culture of inquiry, innovation and exploration
  • Provide open, firm and effective management

Address Cyfeiriad

Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera
Heol Ynysydarren
Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Phone Ffôn

(01639) 842129

Email Ebost

Address Cyfeiriad

Ysgol Gymraeg Ystalyfera
Heol Ynysydarren
Castell-nedd Port Talbot

Phone Ffôn

(01639) 846900

Email Ebost

Address Cyfeiriad

Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Dur
Seaway Parade
Port Talbot
Neath Port Talbot
SA12 7EQ

Phone Ffôn

(01639) 502895

Email Ebost